~visual epidemic ~

Long time, no blog!! Happy Easter to those who celebrate easter (*raises hand*)...This easter was the most chill.... I celebrATED with my parents and few good friends and of course TV SERIES OMG!!! I watched two asian dramas: kamikaze girls......omggggg I loved this movie!!! If you want to laugh and feel oh so fuzzy inside watch iittttttttttttt! I'm also watching superstar express starring rainie yang(I wuv her, she's soooo cute!!!). I need to wrap it up though cause exams are right around the corner UGHHHHHHHH i don't wanna studyyyyy!!!! you can't make me damn!!!! But the best was Gossip Girl! It's my guilty pleasure....shet is happening with the upper east side and brooklyn and Vanessa (who was my fav) is becoming a biatchhhhhh, and of course Serena's wardrobe= my dream closet, so chic!! Blair and Chuck neeedddddddd to get married! And Dan needs to come find me lol!!! I also started watching Kourtney and Kim take New York 'cause I'm bad like that : guilty pleasure FTW!! It was sooooooooo scrippted oh well its a 'reality' coughliescough so thats what to expect!!! I think Kim is reaaally pretty but but but when she was not made up and wearing normal clothes she seemed kind of ummmmmmmmmmmmmm average...I guess that's the thing with celebrities we seem them all made up and we think their superior beings from another planet!!!!
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