Sunday, May 1, 2011

~visual epidemic ~

Long time, no blog!! Happy Easter to those who celebrate easter (*raises hand*)...This easter was the most chill.... I celebrATED with my parents and few good friends and of course TV SERIES OMG!!! I watched two asian dramas:  kamikaze girls......omggggg I loved this movie!!! If you want to laugh and feel oh so fuzzy inside watch iittttttttttttt! I'm also watching superstar express starring rainie yang(I wuv her, she's soooo cute!!!). I need to wrap it up though cause  exams are right around the corner UGHHHHHHHH i don't wanna studyyyyy!!!! you can't make me damn!!!!  But the best was Gossip Girl! It's my guilty pleasure....shet is happening with the upper east side and brooklyn and Vanessa (who was my fav) is becoming a biatchhhhhh, and of course Serena's wardrobe= my dream closet, so chic!! Blair and Chuck neeedddddddd to get married! And Dan needs to come find me lol!!! I also started watching Kourtney and Kim take New York 'cause I'm bad like that : guilty pleasure FTW!! It was sooooooooo scrippted oh well its a 'reality' coughliescough so thats what to expect!!! I think Kim is reaaally pretty but but but when she was not made up and wearing normal clothes she seemed kind of ummmmmmmmmmmmmm average...I guess that's the thing with celebrities we seem them all made up and we think their superior beings from another planet!!!!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

~Truth behind the facade~

Hola my lovelies! I think it's about time I tell you about my self and why I made this blog....But first is first...... I consider this blog an outlet for my emotions, my feelings and my stress...When shet happens sometimes you gotta suck it up and go on with your life. Isn't it better to complain about it though? Just a little!!! So this is what this blog is for mauaahahahahah. Anyway this is going to be extremely boring ^_^ (warned ya). 
Here it goes: I chose this title for one simple reason: I wear a facade, I don't really know when I started or how I started but it just happened naturally. My facade is a simple one. I hide behind this happy, bubbly, out-going personality...a personality unlike mine...only few people know my real personality, a couple of good friends and my family of course! I think all people wear a facade even if they don't admit it. It's society way of telling you that if you're not this,  you won't fit in. I think my 'true' personality is a shy little girl that is a bit  strange in a good way?? I hope in a good way!!! Enough with the melodramatic talk ftw!!!! Here's a list...'cause I heart lists, yah for lists!
-Fav color: black, white, pink

-Fav music: I listen to anything these days..mostly pop. I was an emo gal a few years back, only listened to rock and stuff. I also liked kpop and jpop a year ago but....that's also fading a bit!!

-Fav artist: Lady Gaga, Katy Perry... now before you start pointing fingers and telling me I'm generic trash...I like them! C'mon it's pop music if you're looking for something more spiritual than pop isn't for you! And yes I'm a little monster maauahahahah. Mama monster is crazy that's why I heart her.

-I wanna travel the worlddd....need money though and it doesn't help that I'm diagnosed with  clinical SHOPOHOLISM(yep yep)

-Fav actor/actress: Scarlett Johansson duh!!

- I <3 asian dramas. OMG it's like porn but for females...Does that make any sense??? I especially like japanese dramas and now I'm currently into taiwanese dramas. I like korean ones too but too emotional, can't stand it! People who know me often call me cold and whatnot but I'm not! I just don't like expressing my feelings when there are no feelings to express (one of m biggest faults and the reason all my relationships fail badly pffff). 

-My fav boy group/band is Big Bang (used to be DBSK but shet happened with them and now they're all pissing me off so yah). I also think my all time fav girls group is 2NE1 (step aside destiny's child :))

Lastly a piece of very personal info: I live in athens greece, used to live in new york, moved like 5 years ago and I personally feel that moving was the hardest thing I had to do in my life.....damn...Also, I'm currenlty in uni and I don't live with parents 'cause they live 5 hours away from my uni!!! wooooooooooooo I already feel closer to you LOL!

2ne1 ftw! I love Bommie so much!!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

~Giveaway win~ Orange Face

So....I've never really won anything in my 18 years of life! Nows the time to change that wahhhhh lol...I'm going to enter giveaways and hope I win (probably won't though but oh well)...Oh yeah , totally not relevant but ORANGE is so stylish this spring and so is orange lipstick!! I bought the YSL N.14 (orange shiver) but it looks awful on my pale face!!! I need a tan seriously!! I'm also thinking of dying my hair blonde for the summer...everyone tells me that black just looks better on me (my current color is brownish something) but black and summer don't mix!!!!
So here's the giveway:
and another:
and another!!:
and another:
and another:
AND A FEW MORE LOL: (hope i win something): products ftwww)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Slightly off day ^_^

Today I had a really shetty ,I mean, off day. I think everyone has experienced one of those days when everything goes wrong...well this wasn't one of them..It was a sneaky type of day like when you think your bf is loyal and then he goes and cheats with your bff (yep it was that type of day= the unexpected kind). My morning started with a call from my friend Souleee who told me to wake the ef up 'cause shes coming over and doesn't care if I'm sleeping or not (I <3 my friends). The truth is though that I had told her that we should go out for coffee and then roam around the house and/or shop until 9 pm= that's when we would get ready for the party my uni was having. Sadly it didn't go as planned= AT ALL. I woke up unwillingly and after Souleee came with her ~let's practice for the olympics outfit~ I knew she wanted to go running. The thing is Souleee is very athletic and toned and I'm well.... lets just say that using the staircase to anything instead of an elevator is my idea of a workout. I usually suck it up, however, when spring arrives and start using my treadmill because....duh...summer means bikini shots! Anyway after pleading and pleading and groans and even fake tears (yep I took it there) we finally just went walking  alot. But I'd take walking over running any day! Then we went for coffee <3. And then I went shopping without Souleee and  it  just went downhill from there... Souleee couldn't come for reasons I will not disclose (for fear she might one day see this blog). Anyway shopping by urself sucks so I took my brother with me. All was good until this biatch, girl came along with her ever so hawt bf and stuff happened. She said things I tried not say things but said some things and she started cussing..I started walking away...she continued cussing and laughing calling me a chicken (I admit I'm a chicken she had like 4 gfs with her and I was by myself..they could beat the shet out of me!) Although I hate confrontation of any sort it just pissed me off how she was looking down on everyone... The thing is I went shopping at a rich people's mall (thats what I call it lol) and being th ebratty little rich girl she is she started making fun of this girl for wearing fake leather (?) and I thought that was UBER rude so i glared at her and she obviously thought I was picking a fight.... anyway I went home and cried, the things she said were so mean! Then,I cancelled my plans for the uni party 'cause I was just too depressed. Then my uni friend got mad at me for cancelling last minute (Souleee didn't mind though 'cause shes addicted to solitaire and just couldn't be bothered with other stuff lol). So that was my SLIGHTLY (coughliarcough) day....

BTW Souleee's name isn't Souleee it's a nickname I gave her:)

~coffee breath la~

lalala coffee breath lala....that would a killer song..hands down! I'm addicted to coffee and coffee is addicted to me!  I've been drinking like 4 cups a day, seriously if i don't get my morning java I can't do anything LITERALLY.  Although I can't deny the fact that I have a tendency to get addicted to bad habits and coffee drinking is one of them (and so is drama watching when you should be sleeping!!!) My teeth are super distgustingly yellow= yuck yuck=puke. I seriously need something to whiten them I mean smokers have better teeth than me=ewwww. I think colgate has whitening strips but their uber expensive like 63 euro? WTF! If i had that money handy I would be shopping clothes not spending it on whitening strips (btw I wanna do a haul but my cam yeah..) I wonder if my teeth will whiten if I rub salt on them??? maybe? maybe not? Btw totally not relevant but oh well ranting is my thing but has anyone seen the jdrama 'Deka Wanko'? If you haven't you should 'cause it's supaaaa supa funny...I totally want Kiri and Ichiko to hook up. But as its a jdrama you never know what might hapen:)

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Life in a nutshell^-^

Hola my non existant readers! When am I going to get readers or commenters???? A blog is hard to manage I know.....I can only hope! So this is what's up with my 'FABULOUS' life(coughliarcough)....So I went to the bank and it was the first time a person was nice to me in a bank! Go bank lady you rock...all bank people should be like you seriously! And she was like old but nice..... Sadly,I have to drag my feet to the bank again and I'll have to put up with rude bank people again.....damn...nice old lady where are you??? Anyway, I want to shop til I drop, I saw some really pretty things and I'm so drooling over them...drool DROOL DROOL. I need to save up money though to feed my make up addiction...but but BUT CLOTHES...ahhhh anyway I saw this pretty tail thing online and I WANT's weird and so going to get me some glares(nope not even stares, just glares of menace) but I just dont give a shet,....what people think shouldn't phase anyone when it comes to your personal life and choices. Although, it's very difficult and tiring to stop listening to people's advise, even when it doesn't represent you as a person, just to be likeable. I think I'm quite guilty of this, even more when I was younger(14,15 yrs old)...Being yourself without pretense is therapeutic and I believe all of us need to strive for it! WOW i feel like I'm lecturing people...I'm not!!!! It's just my opinions hense the blog..... Now look at my soon to be very own fur tail/keychain thing so PRETTY! LOOK LOOK!
Japanese fashion never fails to amaze me!!!
Btw sorry for the boring post!!!!! I just love ranting!!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

To be or not to be...a gyaru???

WOOO posted yah!....see behind ? no costumes lol
I know Halloween was a long time ago but I just found this picture wooo! Anyway I really like japanese fashion but don't really have the guts to try it out..since well I don't want to be stared at, liescoughlies, well not in a 'where did you come from' stare, I prefer 'Damn your smexy' stare (such stares are few...sadly...). Anyway when Halloween came around I wanted to dress up as a Lady Gaga, 'cause that's what normal 18 year olds do when they go  party,(it was not a costume party! yeah..... I love dressing up though so Halloween is always a festive day for me!!! I also made my friends dress up mauahha). However, I didn't like my blonde wig, it just didn't match Lady Gaga's hair and it was just awful...even though i paid good money to buy it  ~30 about expensive~!!! And then it came to me, just an hour before the party, I'll dress up as a gyaru..or try at least...sadly I failed miserably in achieving this goal of mine. All my friends thought I was an emo biatch...I kept telling them I'm a gyaru and they kept joking around that I was drunk...yah FAIL. Oh well, I'm quite content with myself actually since I finally dressed up as a gyaru but I did get weird stares (even though it was Halloween). All I have to say is gyaru fashion rocks my sockssssss woooooo!  Now all I have to do is find out how I can post pics...n00by here..sowwies
update:I FOUND HOW TO UPLOAD SO EASY and yet I couldn't find it pfff

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

~The end of an era~

Christina congratulated Britney on her new album.....Damn I miss the days when they hated each other guts and were arch enemies...Those days were fun! Why do celebrities exist if not to entertain us? DAMN....I'm getting old....Maybe Britney and Lady Gaga will try to claw each other..Gaga with a claw inspired costume, Britney with her alien hands from her 'Hold it against' MV. one can only hope I guess. Why did XTINA have to ruin the fun? I was getting exicted thinking Britney and Xtina would battle it out once again...Oh the good days. By the way I miss the backstreet boys it's been what 10 years since I last heard of them? And yet I only started missing them...COME BACK BB!!!! WE LOVE YOU *fangirl scream* Anyway am I the only one who misses that ummm era(for lack of a better word) with all the tweens and the boy bands and the fun pop songs and the screaming lil girls and the weird dances.  When aliens and Lady Gaga didn't exist yet?  OH those were the days! Sometimes I wish I could reverse time or fly...But reversing time is better 'cause then I wouldn't have to study for my exams! I'd just reverse time everytime I'm taking an exam and study only the answers for the questions on it. No more sleep deprivation wooo or cramming the day before the exam!...Hmm but flying would enable me to travel the world, something I really want to do before I die! And airplanes are so crowded and expensive. But even if i could fly I'd only have a year to fly around the globe since the world is going to end in a year(oh the sadness....) Anyway I'm confusing myself so I'm going to bed! BTW if you had any super power what would it be and why? SUPER POWERS ROCK! 
hawt is an understatement!!!!!!

~Brtiney spears and a Jar of whiskey~

Or should I say ex jar of whiskey=O.o... She's sober now..I think??? I mean probably sober, you never know with celebrities. Anyway that's not the point! The point is her new album 'Femme Fatale' (loving the french...tres bien!) is getting a lot of love from critics for some reason...Love that a single girl writing on her computer instead of sleeping finds unjustified. I truly believe it's quite remarkable that she's off drugs and is getting her life on the right track and all but the thing is her new album is LIGHT YEARS worse than her other albums even though the william guy(the black eyed peas dude) produced most of it? well some of it! I've always liked Britney and I'll continue liking her but this new album is just mediocre..Nothing special...just plain likable...the way grapefruit is likable..No one likes drinking or eating grapefruit it's just good for losing weight and health reasons but if you really had a choice would you go and buy it????I THINK NOT! It's the same with 'Femme Fatale'. If it wasn't Britney making a comeback I think critics would shy away from it or call it old fashioned pop trash or something? But then again if Ke$ha(whom I love dearly even thought her songs make brain damage an inevitable ending) can get mixed reviews then Britney can get good reviews! yippie!!! OMG totally not relevant but omg, fyi and lol made the oxford online dictionary!!! No one can says omg isn't a word anymore! Take that damn teachers! who's the uneducated one now pfffffff! PFFF should be a word too! (btw oxford shoes are so pretty and fashionable...mauahahahaah)

Life in the making

So this is my first blog post..hurray! I don't really know what to write about, so I'll start writing and see where it 
gets me. So what's up with people these days I wonder?? All they do is complain about this and that...and I'm obviously one of those thisthat people who don't have anything better to do with their lives other than complain. However I'd like to justify such people(and myself of course). Complaining to me is like a second nature, I blame society but then again who doesn't? Although I complain most of the times it's justified! What's with buses and trains being so crowded? Why is my uni an hour away? Why do I have morning classes? Why do people think smoking in a crowd of people is acceptable? Why am I currently living in Greece even though I promised myself I wouldn't? Why can i never save money to buy what I want and just spend it here and there? Why does God exist? Does he exist? What's with the Lohans and rehab? Whats with my doggie lacta biting me? Why am I even asking these questions...Ugh yes, yes you have stumbled upon the life of a tedious person with tedious tales to tell...Lucky you(coughsuckercough). Nice to meet you my tedious reader!!!!!