Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life in the making

So this is my first blog post..hurray! I don't really know what to write about, so I'll start writing and see where it 
gets me. So what's up with people these days I wonder?? All they do is complain about this and that...and I'm obviously one of those thisthat people who don't have anything better to do with their lives other than complain. However I'd like to justify such people(and myself of course). Complaining to me is like a second nature, I blame society but then again who doesn't? Although I complain most of the times it's justified! What's with buses and trains being so crowded? Why is my uni an hour away? Why do I have morning classes? Why do people think smoking in a crowd of people is acceptable? Why am I currently living in Greece even though I promised myself I wouldn't? Why can i never save money to buy what I want and just spend it here and there? Why does God exist? Does he exist? What's with the Lohans and rehab? Whats with my doggie lacta biting me? Why am I even asking these questions...Ugh yes, yes you have stumbled upon the life of a tedious person with tedious tales to tell...Lucky you(coughsuckercough). Nice to meet you my tedious reader!!!!!

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